I chose to work in this industry because the Proffesion Chose Me! I Enjoy Solving Other Peoples Problems, and giving people the best possible service in the industry. Starting in the business in 1995, the world of pest management has changed dramatically since I began. Luckily, the changes have been positive in the fact that I can solve any pest problem with using the safest, and minimal amount of chemicals in and around your home. I started this business in 2006 after I saw a need for reliable professionals. At the time I had just purchased my home and was trying to get quotes and estimates for work that needed to be done. The amount of people that would not call me back or show up for appointments shocked me. After that experience, and my previous employer being purchased by a large company, I decided it was time to dedicate myself to helping my neighbors. That Is When Bethwood Pest Elimination Was Born!